Yamashita Tomohisa desu.
el episodio 6 sera mostrado esta noche a las 9!
el episodio 5 lo has mirado!?
si! Kasumi ha regresado!
habra tantas cosas que estaran pasando...
la razon por la cual se fue tambien sera mostrada.
la historia regresara al punto de partida.
cada personaje comenzara a cambiar,
Asahi, Natuski y Hanae con su triangulo de amor esta comenzando
espero que todos pongan atencion a esas partes de la historia!
Mientras que las escenas de verano mostradas en los capitulos 4 y 5 continuaran espero que puedas poner atencion a las emociones que se mostraran ya que la historia se esta enfocando mas en la luchas internas y en las relaciones humanas.
ahora estoy grabando el capitulo 7
moviendonos hacia el final
de ahora en adelante la historia sera mas entretenida por favor mirala (^^)Y
este capitulo 6 tambien
todos esten seguros de mirarlo(^0^)
agradecimientos y creditos A-chan
![Foto: Special Jweb Mail (12-08-2013) 11:12am
Yamashita Tomohisa desu.
Episode 6 will be shown
tonight at 9!
The previous Episode 5, have you watched!?
Yes! Kasumi has returned!
There'll be more happenings...
The reason why she left will also be
The story will also turn back to the original point.
Each character's part starts to change,
Asahi, Natuski and Hanae's triangular love relationship
is starting,
I hope that everyone will watch out for these parts!
While the summer-like scenes in episodes 4 and 5 will continue to go on,
I hope that you can look forward to the emotions involved in a love story because the story is shifting to focus more on internal struggle and human relationship issues☆
Now I'm filming Episode 7
Moving towards the last spurt
From then on, how will the story unfold, please
look forward to it (^^)Y
For Episode 6 too,
everyone, be sure to watch it(^0^)
Episode 6 is starting in less than 2 hours time, be sure to catch it if you can. I'm sure you are dying to know why Kasumi left Asahi 3 years ago and whether Natsuki is returning to Tokyo. As for Hanae, is she strong enough to face Kasumi? All these will unfold in this episode.](https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/p480x480/14462_10151746356823186_632294139_n.jpg)
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