Yamashita desu(^0^)
Esta noche a las 9,
el capitulo 7 sera mostrado!
Asahi ha sido rechazado por Hanae...
sin embargo por esta vez Asahi,
como nunca antes,
tiene la intencion de no repetir el mismo error de nuevo!
Al esperar por Kasumi por 3 años
en esos 3 años el no ha progresado y se ha dado cuenta de eso.
y tambien , Hikari ha decido ir a trbajar a Tokyo,
y todos han venido a desearle lo mejor
esto hace que el se sienta mas atado a sus amigos.
Ademas Asahi estara trabajando para un cliente que ha venido al estudio de fotografia
para poder capturar la expresion mas verdadera de esta persona ...
En este episodio veremos a Asahi como todo un fotografo,
sera un capitulo lleno de sorpresas!
The 7th episode of
"SUMMER NUDE" que sera mostrado esta noche
asegurate de mirarlo☆
agradecimientos y creditos A chan
adaptacion al español de Yamapi Mexico y Latinoamerica fan club
![Foto: Special Jweb mail (2013-08-19) 11:12
Yamashita desu(^0^)
Tonight at 9,
episode 7 would be shown!
Asahi has been rejected by Hanae...
However, this time round, Asahi,
unlike before,
has the desire not to repeat the same mistake again!
While waiting for Kasumi for 3 years
In that 3 years, he had not progressed
He had come to realize that.
And also, Hikari has decided to go work in Tokyo,
everyone came to give him a pleasant sendoff
This makes him feel the warmth from his friends.
Furthermore, Asahi is going to take the matchmaking photo
for a customer who came to his photo studio
To capture this person's most dazzling expression...
This is also an episode with Asahi as a photographer,
an episode filled with many highlights!
The 7th episode of
"SUMMER NUDE" which is going to be shown tonight
be sure to catch it☆
Sounds interesting! But I'm really busy today, however, will find a chance to watch it later...](https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/p480x480/999720_10151765442563186_465084691_n.jpg)
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