
jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Preventa Goods A NUDE 2013!

Foto: Yamapi's Diary 3005 (2013.9.13)

Today I'm at Music Station(^0^)

As it was going to be the debut for the songs in my "A Nude" album
I only had about 5 hours to rehearse for the dance routine for the songs
I worked my heart out!

I hope that I had done a good job
(thumbs up)

And also for the album
I hope that everyone of you will like it too!


He was so busy during that period of time, he had to finish up the filming of Summer Nude, recording the songs for the new album; no wonder he ended up with only 5 hours to practice for the dance^^; But he delivered, he did a good job. No complaints from me^^, just that I'm worried if he had time to rest >_<

ya podran hacer sus pedidos de goods de la gira ^_^

para precios y cotizaciones por favor entren en este LINK! 

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