
viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013

Diario de Yamapi 20 de julio 2013

No he podido actualizar seguido en verdad lo lamento mucho.  Esta ha sido una semana algo tediosa.
Todos han estado mirando  "SUMMER NUDE"?
Desde ahora en adelante la historia ira mejorando  y la trama seguira siendo muy buena  por favor no te lo pierdas.

Todos los lunes a las  9 (^^)
El dia de hoy tambien a la mitad de la grabaciones, me toco  grabar con niños pequeños es tan encantador!
Ah~muero de hambre--.


agradecimientos y creditos A-chan 

adaptacion al español de Yamapi Mexico y Latinoamerica fanclub 

Foto: Yamapi's Diary 2992 (20 Jul 2013)

Have not been updating regularly, so sorry. This
is quite a tedious week.
Has everyone been watching "SUMMER NUDE"?
From now on, increasingly good story will continue to come up,
do not miss watching it
It's on every Monday night at 9(^^)
Today too, I'm in the middle of filming. Filming with child actor,
he is just too cute.
Ah~I'm starving--.


Yes, I've been following and I've watched the episode with the child actor, it was indeed a very lively episode, that boy was so cute. He must have had a great time working with all the big brothers and sisters.^^

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