
martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

Yamapi's Diary 5, 6, 7, 8 y 11 de octubre 2013

Agradecimientos y creditos son totalmente de A-chan 

quien amablemente nos ha otorgado su permiso para compartir y traducir sus entradas! 

Yamapi's Diary 3010 (2013.10.5)

Nagasaki is the best.

Nothing better than this! It's really great, I'm so

Katori san was here too!


Yamapi's Diary 3011 (2013.10.6)

Even though many things happened, the first day went by quite
smoothly♪ Laugh

I wrote about this yesterday too,
Katori san came too! I had a pleasant surprise (^=^)
Concerts are really the best. Feel like I exist for this
Tomorrow there's concert in Fukuoka, hope that everyone can have a great time⤴

Yamapi's Diary 3012 (2013.10.7)

Aishito-yo♥♥ (Fukuoka dialect, meaning : I love you)

Today is also very great too
Girls in Hakata are all beauties♥

Ramen is also really delicious♥

I wish to live here♥

I love my fukuoka sweeeeeeeeeeeeeety


Yamapi's Diary 3013 (2013.10.08)
Directly to your heart♥♥♥

Today's sweeties are so tender♥✰♥

I'm really very happy♥


Yamapi's Diary 3014 (2013.10.11)

I've come to Gifu
Everyone is so-cute♥

I love it very much♥♥♥
Nagaragawa now.

I wish to come back again-♥

( ..)Φmemo memo
I want to eat the Ayu fish

I'm still going to have fun


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